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Usage: {{color|color|text}}


  • {{color|red|example text}} → example text
  • {{color|#00F|example text}} → example text
  • {{color|white|example text|bg=black}} → example text

To draw just a color box with bg-color use it like

  • {{color||{{0|00}}|bg=#0A0}} → Template:0   or   {{color|1=#F0F|2=XX|bg=#F0F}} → XX

It is also possible to define additional CSS data, e.g. {{color|#000|'''color box text'''|bg=#CFC|css=border:2px dotted #F80}} → color box text

For colors see: Web colors.

The bg-color is tooltipped — move the cursor to the field to see

af:Sjabloon:Kleur no:Mal:Farve pl:Szablon:Kolor ro:Format:Color ru:Шаблон:Color sl:Predloga:Barva zh-yue:Template:Color