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From ScoutMedia, the free scout media repository
Thank you for contributing to ScoutMedia, the free scout media repository!
You can help us by uploading new pictures, browsing the web for free images
(Wikimedia Commons – Flickr – Google) or organizing ScoutMedia.
Welcome on ScoutMedia!
Today is Monday, December 30. Our
18,001 files have been uploaded here by
11,099 users.
ScoutMedia is the common media sharing place for the scouting wikis of
ScoutWiki Network. It has been set up to receive all the media files (first of all images files) of the different scouting wikis, in order to enable those to use the images of each other. Actually, it's intended to have exactly the same use as Wikimedia Commons for the different Wikipedias.
Image of the month
American Scout Law in a stair
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Having an account on the ScoutWiki Network is compulsory if you want to upload files. Fortunately, the accounts on the local wikis and on ScoutMedia are shared.
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