Only you can help us build a free scout media repository!
Please create an account to start uploading your images now.

Template:Main Page template

From ScoutMedia, the free scout media repository
Revision as of 14:21, 15 January 2008 by Akela NDE (talk | contribs)

Welcome on ScoutMedia!

Category history.png Category scouting.png Category associations.png Category equipments.png Category scouting manners.png Category scoutingskills.png Category events.png Category age sections.png Category camping.png Category transmission.png Category firstaid.png

Today is Friday, May 10. Our 17,661 files have been uploaded here by 10,349 users.

ScoutMedia is the common media sharing place for the scouting wikis of ScoutWiki Network. It has been set up to receive all the media files (first of all images files) of the different scouting wikis, in order to enable those to use the images of each other. Actually, it's intended to have exactly the same use than Wikimedia Commons for the different Wikipedias.

Image of the month Image of the month

Here is our pictured image of the month:

Template:Main Page/Image of the month/May

Gtk-dialog-info.svg What is ScoutMedia ?

ScoutMedia is the media sharing wiki of ScoutWiki Network. It has been created to host all scouting-related images, and to host some common files used on ScoutWiki websites, inclunding on their interface.

Current list of ScoutMedia compatible wikis is :


Browse content Browse content

Explore ScoutMedia's categories to see if there is an image that may interrest you.

Create an account Create an account

Having an account on ScoutMedia is compulsory if you want to upload files. Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to synchronize account creation on local wikis and on ScoutMedia.

Don't you have a ScoutMedia account yet ?

To be copied in pages

Here is the text to be copied on the various main pages and filled with the appropriate text in the language in question. If there is no translation, do NOT write the parameter and let it empty : it will be replaced by the text in English.

{{Main Page template
|language code =
|edit button =
|welcome title =
|statistics summary =
|welcome text =
|image of the month title =
|image of the month intro =
|what is scoutmedia title =
|what is scoutmedia text =
|browse content title =
|browse content intro =
|create an account =
|create an account text =